Mind Matters Emotional Wellness Test
This test is aimed at gaining insight into yourself. In order to get to where you want to be, it is imperative to know where you are at as a starting point. Self awareness is the first step in personal development. Test your emotional wellness to find out where you stand on the scale. Select your response from the following options for each question:
Very seldom = 0 ; Sometimes/occasionally = 1 ; Almost always = 2
Almost always
Very seldom
I am able to develop and maintain close relationships.
I accept the responsibility for my actions.
I have control over my emotions and don’t let them get the better of me.
I feel I have considerable control over my life.
I am able to cope with stress and tension and make time for rest and relaxation.
I am able to laugh at life and myself.
I feel good about myself.
I am flexible and adapt or adjust to changes in a positive way.
I am able to recognise my personal shortcomings and learn from my mistakes.
I enjoy life.
I am able to recognise and express my feelings.
I sleep peacefully & don’t suffer from sleep disturbances - not being able to sleep or sleeping too much.
I feel that life is meaningful.
I see challenges and change as opportunities for growth.
I take life in my stride and don’t worry or panic easily.
Once you have completed the questionnaire, add up the score for each of the fifteen questions. The highest possible total for the test is thirty. This would mean you circled number two on all fifteen questions i.e. ‘almost always'. The lowest possible score for the test is zero. This would mean you circled zero on each question i.e. 'very seldom’. Your result can be interpreted as follows:
25-30 – High
20-25 – Above Average
15-20 – Average
Below 15 – Low
25-30: High
You have a high level of emotional wellbeing and feel in control of your life, optimistic about your future and on top of things in general. You have scored on the higher side on the emotional wellness parameters: having meaningful relationships, high self worth, an optimistic outlook, self efficacy i.e. confidence in your abilities, meaning and a sense of purpose in life and autonomy and competence i.e. being self sufficient and capable. You are normally in a positive frame of mind, steering your life in the direction that you want and can regulate your emotions effectively with confidence in your ability to handle setbacks. You are in an ideal place vis a vis your emotional and mental health. Carry on on the path of personal growth and development to reap the rewards of living an emotionally fulfilled life.
20-25: Above Average
You have scored higher than average on the emotional wellness scale and feel a sense of emotional wellbeing by and large. You probably have a good work life balance, feel a sense of emotional stability and a general feeling of getting what you want out of life. You have your moments but you bounce back relatively quickly. You tick most of the boxes on the emotional wellness parameters - having meaningful relationships, high self worth, an optimistic outlook, self efficacy, meaning and a sense of purpose in life and autonomy and competence. There are areas in which you find yourself lacking to be at your ideal best, working on which would make a qualitative difference to your life for the better. Identifying these areas is the next step towards investing in your mental and emotional wellbeing.
15-20: Average
You are doing ok when it comes to emotional wellness but just about. There is a fair bit of room for improvement to be on the upper end of the scale otherwise you run the risk of slipping, unless you work at it. You are probably struggling on quite a few of the emotional wellness parameters. Your emotional stability typically tends to depend on external circumstances rather than inner confidence at your ability to cope and you tend to have as many bad days as good days, leaving you with a less than satisfied feeling in life. Look at the areas in which you scored low. What changes can you make to improve your emotional wellness? Counselling can be a valuable investment in yourself to improve your overall sense of emotional wellbeing by remove mental roadblocks which are holding you back and working through emotional baggage that is affecting you adversely.
Below 15: Low
Your have scored on the lower end of the emotional wellness scale and it is highly likely that you find yourself feeling overwhelmed and unable to cope with life in general. You may feel a sense of helplessness accompanied by a feeling of despair at not being able to break out of this cycle. You could well be putting on a brave face willing yourself to ‘keep calm and carry on’ but may find yourself slipping ever so often despite your best effort. You may be the victim of distressing circumstances in life or may be suffering from a psychological condition in silence without an awareness - such as anxiety or depression - or it could be that some emotional issues are at play subconsciously, which are eating away at your self esteem and self worth making you feel less than capable. You need to seek professional help in the form of counselling and/or psychotherapy with qualified therapists who are trained to help you work through psychological issues rather than trying to deal with it by yourself, just like you would see a professional in the case of a physical ailment.